Thursday, February 14, 2013

It's Valentine's Day Again

They say the first rule of journalism is "Don't bury the lede". OK. Here's mine: I hate Valentine's Day. I feel it is stupid, insipid, ridiculous, repetitive, and, basically, there is no point to its existence.

Now, I know that this holiday is meant to show how much all the important people in your life mean to you, and maybe that's how it started, but "modern" Valentine's Day is just annoying to me.

Please let me explain.

First, as a single person, there is nothing in it for my kind. Just look at a typical Valentine's Day commercial--particularly jewelry store ads. Who are in these ads? Either married couples who may or may not have children, or a dating couple who is engaged by the end of the spot. Don't get me wrong, it's great that they found each other, and I hope they have a long, happy life together, but it doesn't do me any good.

Second, my couple-y friends, aren't you being a little greedy? After all, you already have each other's birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas (Hanukkah, etc.), maybe Mother's or Father's Day....enough already. It may be cliche, but shouldn't "every day be a little bit Valentine's Day"? What do you need yet another day for?

Which brings me to my real point (fine, I buried the lede a little). I propose a Single Person's Day*. After all, we work just as hard as you do. We want to be celebrated just as much as you do. I mean, do we not cry when we hurt? Do we not bleed when we are cut? We are not monsters!

Sorry, I got a little carried away there but you get the point.

Single Person's Day would be just that.  An anti-Valentine's Day, if you will. A day to remember the single people in your life.

Other than that, I have no real opinion on the matter.

* For the purposes of this holiday, "Single" shall be defined as a person who is currently without ANY AND ALL of the following: boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancee, husband, wife, partner, significant other, children, or anything else that could go here. Single parents are also excluded as they still get Mother's/Father's Day.

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