Sunday, May 26, 2013

Trek Month Comes to a Close

As the unintended Trek month comes to a close here at DWT, I thought I would bring out an old piece of writing.

I wrote this poem for one of my college writing classes. Inspired by the movie Star Trek: Generations, it actually won an honorable mention in a national poetry contest. Enjoy!

Captain Kirk, what a man.
Played as only Shatner can.
Traveling the universe in the Enterprise,
He was the apple of all the girls' eyes.
With Spock and Bones and the rest of the gang,
Sometimes even Uhura sang.
Then, one day, he entered the Nexxus,
Where he was taken away from us.
He died alone, as he knew he would,
Although Picard did all he could.
When you join Starfleet, sometimes death is a perk.
Long Live Captain James Tiberius Kirk!

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