Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Mr. Akeley's Secrets To Success In Business

A couple years ago, I participated in the Career Enhancement Program at work. Recently, we had a reunion attended by people from all classes of the program.

Our keynote speaker was Steven Akeley, currently the Director of Member Services. He has been with BCBSMA for 33 1/2 years, during which he has held many positions in the company. He also made it through several re-orgs and layoffs, including one in which his entire team was let go---except him!

After telling us his career progression story, he laid out his top 10 list to success in business. They are:

1. Work Harder Than People Around You:   This means not only in your current position, but look around and see what other things you can learn outside your current position. The more you can do, the more indispensable you will be.

2. Have A Broad Network:  Networking is so important. Don't be afraid to get out there.

3. Fully Understand Your Strengths And Weaknesses: The better you know yourself, the better start you will have.

4. Get And Use a Mentor:  Seek out people you can work with to have support and learn from. Keep mentors all throughout your career.

5. Stand Up For What's Right, Not What's Easy:  This is not the easiest thing to do, but when you know you are right, don't give up.

6. Let People Learn From Mistakes, Then Immediately Forget About Them: Everyone makes mistakes, but don't dwell on them. Let them correct it and move on.

7. If Something Goes Wrong, Accept The Blame: This is a sign of leadership.

8. Prioritize: You can't do everything. Prioritize the most important and delegate if appropriate.

9. Think About/Act Upon A Strategy:  You don't want to just put out fires all day. Make a plan and think about how you are going to execute it.

10. Put The Company's Success Before You're Own: A company is a group of people working together to achieve a common goal. Success comes when everyone is all in to accomplish those goals.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Dude With Thoughts: The Book

Well, I always had it in mind. And now, it's happened. This blog is now a book.

Chock full of updated and expanded essays taken from this blog and other sources, this 120 page book  also includes full color pictures and a list of selected websites.

Published on the CreateSpace platform, it is printed on demand and is also available on Kindle.

So, if you still believe in the power of an old fashioned book, pick up Dude With Thoughts: The Book! Available now for $17.00 for the book and Kindle for $3.00.